
Your DVD's Special Features

yeah they're special, all right.


Your DVD's Special Features

yeah they're special, all right.

I don't get it. this is not a dvd

Yeah, I know.  But I always liked reading about the making of things.  Movies, albums, books, whatever.  I'm a big fan of behind the scenes stuff. What can I say?  I'm a sucker for making of featurettes.

Anyway, SCROLL DOWN to read about secret playlists, Gil's resident artist, sources of inspiration, and MORE.


Gil's Jams

It goes to 11 for a reason.

Gil's Jams

It goes to 11 for a reason.

two zeros & the library of Doom! chapter playlist

Yeah, so if you paid attention while reading Two Zeros and The Library of Doom!, you might have noticed a recurring theme in the chapter titles.  Yes, they're all song titles–Rolling Stones song titles, no less.  And now, here, for your listening pleasure is the playlist in reading order.

It started as a bit of a personal challenge that I expected to abandon quickly, but never did.  Oddly enough, the longer I worked on it, the more the chapter headings began to help steer the course of the book. Sometimes I would have only a vague idea of where the story was headed, and so I would consult my iTunes and look over the Rolling Stones songs, often choosing one that would help influence what exactly happened next and where I took the story.  

The interactive aspect became a really fun exercise as the songs changed how I wrote this and thought about the pacing.

The Zeros and the season of the witch
chapter playlist

This one was a little tougher.  I actually picked the book's title–and corresponding artist–before I even started writing.  At this point, I'd already decided to pick an artist/band for each of the novellas, and Donovan was a fun choice because he's got a lot of pretty unusual titles to work with (almost had some weird chapters... "The Fat Angel," "Lady of the Lamp," "Clara Clairvoyant," "The Sun is a Very Magic Fellow," etc).  And this whole thing basically started because I think "The Hurdy Gurdy Man" is an awesomely creepy track.

In this case, Spotify did not have all of Donovan's songs available, so the playlist is incomplete, but it's a good start if you're not too familiar with Donovan. If you're really unfamiliar, skip right to #13 to find out why it had to be Donovan (and the last track too, obviously).


A sweet cover of Three Kingfishers of which Gil would approve:

All rights reserved to their respective owners-- Album: Last Patrol (2013) original by Donovan


Dean Kotz: Resident Genius Artist Mastermind Person.

Dean Kotz: Resident Genius Artist Mastermind Person.

Dean kotz: Gil's grimoire
artist extraordinaire

I was lucky enough to Dean in about 2006 or so at a rather mind-numbing job in Philadelphia.  Since then we have shared many opinions of things ranging from jazz to silver age comic books to Star Trek.  We became quick friends, even though we have certain fundamental disagreements (eg kirk vs picard).

His work has appeared in a number of publications, including most recently Krampus from Image Comics and Red Panda from MonkeyBrain.

He is a phenomenal artist and I am incredibly lucky to have the gift of his art for the covers of Gil's Grimoire, to say nothing of his contribution of Gil's Zeros logo (see below).

Visit him at or view a beautiful sampling of his work at Dean's Deviant Art page.

For a fairly comprehensive listing of his works, check here.

Find him on Twitter @deankotz and facebook here.




and take a look at dean's
zeros logo below:

making a mess: the writing of "the empirical evidence of stars"

making a mess: the writing of "the empirical evidence of stars"

A little behind the scenes of the making of The Zeros and The Empirical Evidence of Stars. Coming soon.