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The Proof

Good Evening!

This afternoon, I submitted the files for The Empirical Evidence of Stars. We hope to get proofs in about a week, at which point the final phase of editing will commence. Your patience will soon begin paying in dividends. In the meantime, enjoy the finalized cover, courtesy of Dean Kotz himself.

Smaller Cover.jpg

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Still Coming...

All right, put the fork in the second draft this afternoon. Delays have come up over the past few months. My wife and I had a kid, got a new job, etc. There will be inevitable edits to come, but usually my third draft is my final draft–-unless there are some serious problems.

But we're not even going to think about that for now. Happy summertime!


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Complete First Draft Is In The Can

On a short pre-Christmas vacation, I made the final push and I am very happy to announce that I have finished the first draft of The Zeros and The Empirical Evidence of Stars. It comes in at 94,030 words. Now, because this book was written over five years (!!!!), there will definitely need to be some work done to get it in good shape. BUT the bulk of the work is done.

All right, now let's have a drink.


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Hello Folks,

It has been more than a year since I checked in here, and even then it was only to post a goofy logo. I've got some actual news now.

The Zeros & The Empirical Evidence of Stars has been reappraised by our series editor (Miss Kathleen), and a number of drastic changes have been made to the manuscript, to say nothing of the outline. Entire segments have been cut or moved, with many of the better set pieces cut and saved for later volumes, greatly tightening an outline that had grown to rival Tolstoy–-in length only. So instead of being less than halfway through at 60k words, I'm more like 2/3 of the way through at 55k.

Infinite apologies for the delay. I have no excuse other than the fact that the story grew too large and unwieldy, and it simply got away from me. Time travel, Albert Einstein, parallel universes, reincarnated despots, assassins, international nuclear politics, and trans-dimensional travel grew too much for one volume. For everyone out there waiting patiently for the next volume, all I can do is apologize and beg for further patience. It is coming. I'm hoping the volume you receive now will be a much cleaner, tighter, and faster read than its previous incarnation ever would have been.

Thank you again for your patience and support.

-Your Loyal Author



This Is What You Do When You Procrastinate

Well, folks, I should be writing, and after an absence as long as this absence has been, you'd think I'd be too ashamed to show my face. Right? Wrong. I'm always ready to stroll on through when I've been remiss at something.

That being said, this is what I've been working on, friends. A random Harold's Meat Shack tee, what I'm sure you've been craving. Here it is. And now I'm hungry.






Music? But these are Books...

Yeah, I know, these are books, so it's supposed to be quiet, right?

But what's wrong with a few tunes to get your toes tappin?

Why not slide on over to a new page on a pair of not-terribly-secret easter eggs in each of the novellas.  You know what I'm talking about, right?  Something to do with the chapter headings?

Yeah, I thought so...

Much love,




All right, well we've got a new website up and running (mostly).  I'm hoping that the majority of this is working as it's supposed to.  It sure looks better than the other one, right?

Some kinks will continue to be ironed out, I'm sure. Going forward, hopefully things will start working 100%. Or that's the idea, at least.

And in the meantime, patience remains a virtue as we continue the endless wait for The Empirical Evidence of Stars.  It'll be worth the wait, I promise. It's bigger and more complicated than anything I've written before, and I'm trying to do more constructive outlining to keep the whole thing together as it should be.

Your patience is eternally appreciated!

Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for updates!

Much love,


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Hey there loyal reader,

The winter has proven to be productive thus far.  Work progresses on The Empirical Evidence of Stars again as the work on Brick Brannigan is Buried Alive on the Faroe Islands! wraps up.

The new volume is now available on:

Barnes & Noble
Google Play

While you're chewing on your nails, waiting for the gang to return in The Empirical Evidence of Stars, take a shot at ol' Brick Branny and his gang of ruffians.  Hopefully, you will not regret it!

Much love,

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New Gil Logo!

Hello Dear Readers!

Happy New Years!  We over here at Gil's Grimoire want to bring in this new year 2015 with a little piece of news.  We're happy to introduce a new Zeros logo, designed by our resident artist extraordinaire Dean Kotz:

Yes, it is great.  A rendition of Gil's Yorrick skull with a nail through the eye is exactly what Gil would want on his Ghostbusters jump suit.  If left to his own devices, I know Gil would love to have custom uniforms (Finch and Dylan are another story).

While you're drooling over this beautiful new graphic, add this to the stew: the author's loving wife has put together a great Gil Merch Store for your enjoyment.  Why not take a gander at THAT while you're at it??

And nurse those 2015 hangovers!  Remember, drinking lots of water is key...

Much love,

Your loyal author Eric
(speaking in a uncharacteristic plural voice)



Happy Christmas [et al]!

Hello dear readers,

This is your loyal author checking in from the not-quite-so-Arctic city of Philadelphia.  Christmas eve was a balmy 60 degrees here in the City of Brotherly Love, but the temperature is dropping.

I'm just checking in send my best holiday wishes from me and the gang.  Whether it be Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Festivus, or Flying Spaghettin Monster Day (?), give everyone love and (to quote Jerry Springer) take care of yourselves... and each other.

Happy Holidays from the Zeros,




Happy Holidays!

Evenin' Dear Reader,

I won't bore you with endless apologies as to my absence.  It's not that I don't have excuses, of course I have excuses.  Excuses are easy.

I have excuses, but not good excuses.  Not really.  If you've slipped out of your urban fantasy genre confines to explore the wacky world of Brick Brannigan (first of all, THANK YOU, CITIZEN!), then you'll be delighted to hear that I've been putting my effort into polishing off the second volume of the projected trilogy, Brick Brannigan is Buried Alive on the Faroe Islands!

If you haven't read the inaugural Brick Brannigan tale–Brick Brannigan is Knee-Deep in Peril!–and are thereby nonplussed by this fine little post-Thanksgiving helping of news, then I've got nothing for you, this evening.

Sorry, pardner.

Anyway, for the one or two of you who are curious enough to want to know more about ol' Brick and friends, take a gander over here to get some background and additional info on the series.

And here's the new cover to get you excited (if, somehow, you're not already!).

Happy Holidays, friends!  And know that the wheels are still turning on The Zeros and The Empirical Evidence of Stars!).

Your loyal friend and author,



The Season of the Witch… RELEASED

Howdy Folks!

Well, a quick drive-by post here, but it's big news!

are you excited??

Get it at…

Barnes & Noble
Google Play

What else could you ask for??  A print copy? Well, friend, that is coming soon.  The final proof has been approved and should be live and ready for purchase in the next 24-48 hours!  HERE!

Holy molly.  I told you… brief news, but BIG news!

What are you waiting for??  BUY IT NOW.  READ IT NOW.

Happy Summertime!!




Finishing Touches

Evenin' Ladies and Gents,

Your loyal author here, checking in before I turn on a movie and fall asleep early (what else does one do on a Friday night?).

Draft #1 and #1.5 of The Zeros and The Season of The Witch are finished, and now begins the never-ending TYPO SNIPE phase.  Hey, don't give me that look, the writing phase didn't take too long.  God knows there are plenty typos, though, the main drawback of typing 80 words/minute and not looking back.

In addition to editing, tightening, funnying (totally a word?), and just all in all making it better, I am beginning to look at The Zeros and The Empirical Evidence of Stars once again–this time with more outlining–to say nothing of Brick Brannigan is Buried Alive in the Faroe Islands.  Did you read Brick Brannigan is Knee-Deep in Peril yet?  It's not bad!

Patience remains a virtue here at Camp Gil's Grimoire, so drink some cherry Kool Aid and watch The Return of Daimajin, but don't forget to keep checking back.

More news before you know it…

Your author buddy,



Novella News

Howdy Pardners,

So I was doing quite well on The Zeros and The Empirical Evidence of Stars, chugging along, cruising to chapter 15 when I hit a bit of a snag: this is infinitely more complicated than The Library of Doom! or The Man Who Could Not Die.  I'm sorting details, doing research (historical!), and trying to get ducks in nice lil rows.  The problem is, that's slowed down the writing process drastically. So while that's happening, I figured I'd put my nose to the grindstone on a…

*wait for it, wait for it*

…a new novella.

Ah, yes, a new novella.  This puppy is called The Zeros and The Season of the Witch and it is coming together nicely.  New characters, new villains, and a new locale.  I'm working at it and hoping on a summer '14 release.

Stay tuned for more news, as it's surely coming soon (seeing as I'm about a third of the way through it!).

Much love and gratitude,

--Your Loyal Author



Hey, Why Not?

Evenin' ladies and gents,

I was at work today and I got to thinking. Sometimes I do this. Sometimes it's even about constructive things. Today is just one such example. Recently I've been scrutinizing this whole ebook price thing.  Today I realized that the price was inconsequential as far as I was concerned.

I write because I love to do it.  Why else do it?  I doubt I'll ever get famous doing this, and that's okay.  I like to do it.  So why am I going crazy worrying about pricing?

So guess what?


I hope people read these stories and like them.  That is the most important thing to me.  For the foreseeable future, I am going to keep the books at 99¢.  Why not?

So read up, and I will keep writing.  I've got lots of work to do…

--Your Happy Author (who is watching the snow fall fall fall)

PS.  If you purchased a previous book at full price--$2.99 or $3.99--and you feel particularly miffed that you've parted ways with those 2 or 3 bucks unnecessarily, email me (there's a Contact Me link on the right sidebar).  When my next book comes out, I got an ebook with your name on it, on the house...


PPS. At the time of writing this, a lot of the prices haven't changed yet (B&N has the updated prices, but Amazon and iTunes etc are a bit slow. Be patient, dear reader!)





All right, in a fit of inexplicable generosity, I have lowered the price of the new novel, THE ZEROS AND THE MAN WHO COULD NOT DIE, to a barely noticeable $2.99.  Did you buy it yet?

No?  NO?!?

Well, perhaps you should partake of the ebook now!  Coffee at Starbucks costs more than $2.99!

Enjoy the book, and enjoy some of this choice grammar!



A New Version of an Old Story

Good Evening Dear Readers,

Remember this?

Well, after much familial badgering, Two Zeros and The Library of Doom! is on its way into print.  It won't be long before the lil novella will be available as a paperback very soon.

When compared to the big 6x9, 370 page The Zeros and The Man Who Could Not Die, the novella's slight 170 pages is delightfully pocket-sized.  A perfect introduction to Gil & Company…

Keep your eyes on the skyline, more news is sure to come soon enough.

Until then, keep reading.  And don't forget to spread the word.

Your Grateful Author,



iTunes, iTunes, iTunes (and Barnes & Noble, too!)

Good Winter Evening Dear Readers,

The wind is howling outsider, and though I no longer have to worry about the fierce midwestern winters, it's pretty cold here.  A perfect opportunity to snuggle up in front of your post-holiday yule log with your favorite Apple product and read the new book, now available in the iTunes Store!

Drink a mai tai, put on a stocking cap, shoot your cat with a squirt gun!  Really, just go wild.  And after that's done, order a paperback from Amazon or–more recently–Barnes & Noble so you can proudly show your Zeros Pride.

If you like what you're reading… tell a friend, give some feedback, spread the word!

And as always, thanks for reading…

Your Chilled Author,


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Now In Print...

Good Morning Dear Readers,

Home thanks to a winter snowstorm and I thought I'd give a brief news update.  Biggish news here, as The Zeros and The Man Who Could Not Die is now available in print.  A mere $13.99 for 370 pages of zany madness!

Coming soon: a print copy of Two Zeros and The Library of Doom! (thank to familial pressures).  A mere $8.99 for a slimmer 170 pages of mad zaniness!

Stay tuned (and stay warm)!

--Your Loyal Author

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